Welcome to the Big Train
Operator Club
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Now on Registration Form
Using Credit Cards for Registration:
Please complete the paper form and write "Use PayPal", just under "Registration Total". I will create an e-mail Invoice from PayPal and have it sent to you. It will include a 5% adder for PayPal processing charge. When paid, the Registration will be confirmed through e-mail to the member. The BTO Club never sees or has access to your Credit Card Info

The club is a group of enthusiasts, hobbyists, and collectors
who devote much of their time and energy to Large-Scale trains.
The club was founded in 1978
(formerly the LGB Model Railroad
Club or LGBMRRC)
and now has members throughout
States and in several countries.
Become a
and get involved
Whether you are a garden
railroader, modeler, collector,
G-scale fan or just a Big Train
lover, you are invited to join
the Big Train Operator Club,
Check "What's New"